All written BY IVAN LIM:
These are the things I have said or thought about...)

1.Results and excuses
There are either results or excuses.
However..Some results are poor and some
excuses are good.
2. Wisdom and health
Wisdom & good health are your greatest assets in life.
Dont abuse such gifts. It is good to live a simple life...
however, do not neglect common sense
and wisdom.

3. What Yoda said
"Be mindful of our surroundings..."
4. Borrowing money
Borrowing money is never an easy thing.
Repaying the money and kindness is even more difficult.
Petty people borrows money without the intention to repay.
If you do not lend petty people money they will criticise you
in an unfair manner. If you do, you will lose the money.
5. Corporate players
Intimidation, dishonesty, politics and apple polishing
are all part of the corporate game...
you either like it, hate it...or is forced to live with it.
Its unaviodable.There are however, good corporate players
and cheap ones.
6. Dirty lawyers and nasty clients
Dirty lawyers made law practice pretty sick.
Nasty clients killed it.
If the lawyer next door can give you a cheaper rate..go to him.
Please close the door when you leave.
7. Ignorance
Ignorance is "darkness". But sometimes ignorance helps you too.
8. Lonely?
I am always alone with my computer ...
but not neccessarily lonely.
9. Talking big
People who talks big intends to impress or intimidate people
by just talking big. Sometimes it works.
But most of the time..what you get is bad reputation.
10. Back stabbing
Back stabbing is an evil art. However for some buisness man
it is a form of survival skill.
Politics and dirty tactics can't survive without the deployment
of this skill.
11. Desires
It is true that every one one has desires...
but a wise man knows how to control them well. ..
or at least his life is not controlled by such desires.

12. Wrestling
Most people knows that wrestling on TV is about "show acting"...
however, they still love it. Same goes to football.

12. Successful habits
The successful corporate players have right connections....
skills and techniques may be hired.
Some corporate players only have woman, golf and
gambling in their minds.
13. Demanding clients
Certain client demands the best from you but...
insists on paying the least...
Decide if these people are selfish, smart or simply annoying.
14. Incompetency
Incompetent workers can either be too quiet or too noisy.
Responsible and attentive workers pay more attention to work.
Gossipers like to call others "gossipers".
"Gossiper" focuses their attention on other people's weaknesses
and shame.
You may learn to avoid the same weakness...
and not spreading the gossips.
Some people tells only half truth . It is also a half lie.
Critiscising some one should be done in a useful
and constructive way.
Other wise it is better to remain silent (shut up).
Some people open their mouth for the sake of being heard ...
He can either be an idiotic fool or a dirty politician.
When you begin to lose friends and dislikes the things
around you..the problem may be you your self.
Incompetent fools (dirty politicians included) have the liking
of demoralising and intimidating others...
to get that precious sense of security.
These people thrives in times of uncertainty and
will take advantage of your unfortunate circumstances.
They speak with an evil tounge and has no good intention.
True character comes from your ability to handle pressure
and performing under all circumstances...
people who dissapears at crucial moments and
puts the blame on others do not have what it takes.
You can either be the leader or follower
under such circumstances.
Poeple who runs away has no true sense of responsibility.
Money can't buy you certain things... true.
But without money you cant pay your bills.
Strike a balance. This is the real world.
It is actually hard to judge
a person.
We sometimes are
deceived by looks and social skills.
A true friend will not manipulate you for their own interests.
Perfectionists are not neccessarily pleasant people.
Not all beginners have luck. Some give up.
You only want to look cool.But you are uneasy with the coolness.
We will win some and lose some...thats the general rule.
But sometimes we lose all. Accept that fact too.
Stubborn people only sees things the way they wanted things
to be.
Sometimes they will ask you for your opinion
... but what they want is you to say "yes you are right".
Only assholes will like assholes ...
(politically incorrect..but it is true).
People with an asshole mentality will gradually
end up in a shit hole and be flushed.
Dont even try to impress me with all that philosophy stuff.
You gotta learn to deal with basic stuff first, kiddy.
Different people have different skills...
i see that you have extra ordinary skills
in cheating your self and believing that others
will be cheated as well.
These skills are quite rare nowadays.
RICH KIDS are not neccesarily bad people...
it depends on up bringing and personality.
I am not a RICH KID... but i have nothing against them.
Some of them are very humble and hard working.
As friends we don't normally talk about riches or money.
Mr X. has no personality.
But he has acting skills. I didnt say it is good acting skills.
People who likes to be seen as a RICH KID
has personality problems.
They get their "high" by driving cheap sports car and
behaving like pimps.
I support Arsenal, the football club...but I dont own the club.
Cocky looking players are beyond my control.
Hot tempered people are not neccesarily bad people.
But they TEND TO irritate others .
People who likes to provoke them are no better.
We are here to be educated...please do not insult us.
If you intend to settle your outstanding legal fees...
do it nicely(Manglish)...dont attach conditions to such payments.
You owed me the money...it is my right to demand for payment.
I have given you FOUR YEARS to settle the bill.
We have exercised extreme patience...
and acted on humane grounds.
I can't do scuba diving as my mother is against the idea.
I am her only son in Malaysia.
We are all born to eat and eat to live.
People who talks too much of cooking methods have
little time to eat.

It is true that Americans are behaving like the world's
Big Brother.
They impose their values on you...
while neglecting to uphold their own.
Big time hypocrite and bully... 2 in 1.
If only Singaporeans could change their mentality...
they will get some peace in their minds.
My second home is Thailand...
Why? cos Malaysia is my first home.
There is nothing much for me to write about Thai prostitutes...
I am not interested in that job.
I am glad to a be a Malaysian..even though my only brother
thinks that having American citizenship is better.
Singaporeans feel superior up north.
First the Red Indians, then slavery and recently Afghanistan...
they are still at it at Iraq.
Americans lost the war in Korea and claimed
that no body won the war.
Wuxia Wisdom
"I can do many things, but escaping is not
one of them." - Li Xunhuan in Gu Long's Little Li of The Flying Knives (Xiaoli Feidao) |
Wuxia Wisdom
"If evil deeds go unpunished, only evil will survive." -Louis Cha's
Legend of The Condor Heroes (Shediao Yingxiong Zhuan) |